Environ / mental Health
Environ / mental Health
If the future was a person

If the future was a person

A poem
The Plum Village Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

If the future was a person

If the future was a person
They would be Thich Nhat Hanh
Old and calm
Welcoming, welcoming

“How did you get so wise?” 
I ask the future

“I realized that there was 
No other way
No other way" 
The future says

"All the other ways 
Were fast
I decided
To build something

I saw things
The tea has a cloud in it
And it has
The soil too

And I have these things
In me too

I saw my purpose
Not to amass, accumulate
But instead
To help"

This was written during a writing group hosted by The Soapbox Project. Many thanks to them!

Also, I will be hosting an eco-writing group on zoom next week. We get together and write whatever we want to write about -- environmental topics encouraged but not required :)


Time: Weds 4/13, 7-9pm ET on zoom.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89909810758?pwd=UTFaL3VTR1FCT29hT0FpelpwaWR5UT09

Meeting ID: 899 0981 0758
Passcode: 965578

Environ / mental Health
Environ / mental Health
I'm curious about how we can help the environment AND keep our sanity
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